[themesflat_title_section title_position=”center” show_line=”1″ content_font_size=”20px” title_color=”#01be60″ content_color=”#000000″ title=”PAKISTAN SINGLE WINDOW REGISTRATION”]PSW stands for the Pakistan Single Window. This is a new trade system and PSW is license is very important for Import and Export Business and PSW replace VEBOC. PSW provides a means for parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information and documents with a single point of entry for fulfilling all import/export and transit requirements.[/themesflat_title_section][themesflat_spacer desktop=”25″ mobile=”10″ smobile=”5″][themesflat_title_section title_font_size=”25px” show_line=”1″ content_font_size=”20px” title_color=”#111111″ content_color=”#000000″ title=”Requirements of PSW”]
- The main requirements of PSW are as under
- Registered Business NTN
- Sole proprietorship or AOP/Partnership or Pvt Ltd
- Bank Maintenance Certificate
- GST (General Sales Tax)
- Chamber of Commerce
Time Required for PSW license 8 to 10 Days.
[/themesflat_title_section][themesflat_spacer desktop=”25″ mobile=”10″ smobile=”5″][themesflat_title_section title_font_size=”25px” show_line=”1″ content_font_size=”20px” title_color=”#111111″ content_color=”#000000″ title=” Benefits for the Traders”]- Reduced costs and time
- Faster clearance
- Transparency & Predictability
- Less Opportunity for interpretation of laws, regulations etc